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1 octombrie 2012

Adobe Flash Player 11.3 doesn't load video in Mozilla Firefox

Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox

Firefox users with Flash 11.3 and RealPlayer installed have reported that Flash videos or games on sites like Facebook or YouTube may appear, black, white or grey and never play. This can be fixed by updating to the latest version of RealPlayer.

Solution 1: If you have RealPlayer installed - update it

  1. Download the latest version of RealPlayer from
  2. Double-click the installer application that you downloaded and follow the instructions.

Solution 2: Downgrade Flash

If updating RealPlayer did not resolve the issue or Flash is constantly crashing, you should uninstall Flash 11.3 and downgrade to Flash 10.3. You can find steps for downgrading Flash in: Flash 11.3 crashes



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