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8 mai 2009

eBay Alternatives - Where Else Can You Sell?

eBay Alternatives - Where Else Can You Sell ?

The e-commerce landscape is changing. eBay may have been the only game in town when it came to online auctions eight years ago... but there are now a raft of options out there for you to choose from. Chinavasion provides you with the products, descriptions, and blind drop-ship service... now all you have to do is go out to these sites and sell for profit!
alternatives to ebay

That's not to say that eBay didn't have any competition way back then. There were several online auction houses and classified sites to choose from in the 1990's but they just couldn't compete with eBay when it came to traffic. EBay was also being nice to its sellers then.
But that was then and this is now. Other e-commerce sites are starting to take some market share from eBay. One reason for the seller and buyer drift from eBay may be caused by eBay executives sudden case of power intoxication. The eBay board has recently put in place sweeping changes to policy and practices, changes many sellers think were made to:
  1. Squeeze more money out of the sellers using the site
  2. Push the little guy from the site
  3. Just irritate the sellers on the site
Here are just some of the changes eBay has put into place in the last five years:
  • Numerous increases in fees
  • Sellers are no longer able to leave neutral or negative feedback on buyers accounts
  • Pressure in Australia, the UK and now the US to get Paypal as the only electronic payment system on the site.
  • Higher volume sellers get discounts and added benefits for staying with the site
  • EBooks and other non-physical items can no longer be auctioned
Other part-time sellers have also commented on a spotty customer service record and tendency to cancel accounts with no disclosed reason and make it difficult for the person to re-open them.
That being said there are still few better places to bring traffic to your own e-commerce site or online shop as there are a still an incredible number of people shopping on eBay.
If you're looking to boycott eBay or get out of eBay completely (just because you think that eBay sucks and not for the eBay boycott), or you want to put your eggs in some other online auctions baskets then here is a list of more than 50 sites that you might want to check out:



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