- First up, you need to backup all you data which is there in the SD Card as the data stored in the SD Card will be lost.
- So, once the backup is done, you need to format all the data in the “FAT 32” file system and then you need to insert the same in your phone.
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Ai probleme cu calculatorul tau? Daca ai navigat pana aici nu mai trebuie sa pierzi timpul mergand imediat la un service sa intrebi despre problema ta sau chiar cu el acolo sau sa fii nevoit sa apelezi la cineva sa vina la domiciliul sau la biroul tau. Poti apela cu incredere la cunostintele mele. Va stau la dispozitie prin intermediul e-mail-ului, Yahoo! Mesenger sau telefonic in cel mai scurt timp posibil, pentru a rezolva impreuna problema dumneavoastra. Mai putem rezolva si cu ajutorul programului de asistenta de la distanta Team Viewer.
30 noiembrie 2013
Fix for microSD Card Not Detecting Error in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360
14 iunie 2013
Setting Up Sony VAIO Event Service on Windows 7 x86 / Windows 7 x64 for Brightness (Fn+F5/Fn+F6), Mute/Volume (Fn+F2/Fn+F3/Fn+F4), and Monitor Switching (Fn+F7) Control
Sony VAIO laptops—mostly powered by Phoenix BIOS—suffer from a design flaw: Display panel brightness, monitor switching, audio volume controls, and muting do not work in the event of a specific Sony software misconfiguration. Once Windows 7 is installed, volume controls and muting function keys will start to function, because Sony designers have used “PS/2 Scan Codes for Enhanced Keyboard Features” and Windows multimedia interface recognizes the following multimedia keyboard (hexadecimal) scan codes:
- E0 20: Audio Muting Toggle—On/Off Control (OOC)
- E0 2E: Audio Volume Decrement—Re-Trigger Control (RTC)
- E0 30: Audio Volume Increment—Re-Trigger Control (RTC)
Electronically speaking, volume, brightness, and projector-switching controls should interact with the built-in internal amp, the LCD’s LED-backlight/fluorescent tube, and the GPU respectively, but they don’t; they’re just a bunch of crude keys…
Dell laughs at the Japanese because such vital functions should be implemented at the BIOS-level, and with the elimination of high-level software dependency, the LCD screen brightness of a Dell laptop (e.g., my Dell XPS M1330) can be changed using Fn+Up/Fn+Down arrow keys in its BIOS, during POST, while starting Windows, once Windows has completed its cumbersome startup, or in whatever OS you’re operating, regardless of driver-dependency. Not acting as a driver and not necessitated to install, Dell QuickSet software only enables users to see an OSD of what they’re changing.
“It’s a Sony” though, so what should a typical VAIO owner do if they’ve upgraded to Windows 7? You need to download the following drivers and utilities for your VAIO’s specific model from Sony VAIO Support website, and using run as administrator install them exactly in the order specified:- Sony Firmware Extension Parser Device Driver (SODOTH)
- Sony Shared Library (SOASSL)
- Setting Utility Series (SOASUS)
- VAIO Event Service (SOAVES)
Program Compatibility AssistantCarefully select This program installed correctly.
This program might not have installed correctly
If this program didn't install correctly, try reinstalling using settings that are compatible with this version of Windows.
Program: SOAVES-70192615-US
Publisher: Sony Corporation of America
Location: D:\Install\Drivers\Sony ...\SOAVES-70192615-US.exe
Reinstall using recommended settings
This program installed correctly
VAIO gurus suggest a restart once each one of the drivers and utilities finished installing, just to keep the VAIO software team happy.
Please note the four-tier installation order is crucial, and refusal to adhere to the installation order results in partial response of your Fn combinative keys:
- A friend’s Sony VAIO VGN-SZ650N had only Fn+F2 (mute), Fn+F3 (volume down), and Fn+F4 (volume up) functioning—leaving Fn+F5 (brightness decrement), Fn+F6 (brightness increment), and Fn+F7 (monitor switching) not working at all. With no brightness control and sticking to maximum screen brightness, his precious Sony VAIO SZ Series has become an eyestraining piece of gadget.
- Another friend wasn’t just able to increase or decrease the screen brightness of her Sony VAIO VGN-FZ290N using Fn+F5 / Fn+F6 ever since she has installed Windows 7, even though she’s been proud of installing everything Sony had to offer to download at its esupport website! Told her most of the packages she’s been installing were dispensable bloatware.
Fixing a Hasty Disorganized Installation
You need to remove any instances of the aforementioned software installed previously, before methodically installing them fresh:- Leave Sony Firmware Extension Parser (SFEP) Device Driver alone. There’s no need to trace its footprints, and no uninstallation is required.
- Utilizing Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features\Uninstall a program, locate and uninstall VAIO Event Service and restart your VAIO’s Windows.
- Utilizing Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features\Uninstall a program, locate and uninstall Setting Utility Series and restart your VAIO’s Windows.
- Sony Shared Library doesn’t leave any uninstall traces in Program and Features\Uninstall a program. Using the file listing appendix, locate and delete its files (i.e., %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Sony Shared\Sony Utilities, etc.)
Appendix: Sony Software Folders File Listing
Sony Shared Library
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\Version.txtC:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\Sony Utilities\Data.prof
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\Sony Utilities\Match.prof
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\Sony Utilities\SnyUtils.dll
Setting Utility Series
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\AppMonitorSetting.dllC:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\AutoDimmerSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\BatteryCare.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\DisplaySetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\HDDProtectionSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\InputSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\LEDSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\PowerViewSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SBMsg.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SBRes.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SpecialButtonSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SUSCommonSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SUSLaunchStartDes.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\SystemSetting.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\VCCChecker.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\VCCMouseButton.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\Version.txt
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\AppMonitorSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\AutoDimmerSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\BatteryCare.exe.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\colormode.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\Display.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\DisplaySetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\HDDProtection.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\HDDProtectionSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\InputSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\LEDSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\Perform.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\PointingDevice.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\PowerViewSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\SBRes.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\Sbutton.chm
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\SpecialButtonSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\SystemSetting.dll.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\VCCMouseButton.exe.mui
C:\Program Files\Sony\Setting Utility Series\EN-US\zoombutton.chm
VAIO Event Service
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\Activation.exeC:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\Interop.NETWORKLIST.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\mfc80u.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcp70.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcp71.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcp80.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcr70.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcr71.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\msvcr80.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\NWMultiTouch.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\pi.wav
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\RKConfig.ini
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\Version.txt
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESAppMon.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESAutoDimmer.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESBasePS.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESColorMgr.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESCommonUI.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESConfig.ini
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESGfxMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESHidDevice.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESHybridGfx.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESKBStatus.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESMgrSub.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESMgrSubPS.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESPerform.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESRemoteKey.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESRes.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESSetGamma.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESShellExeProxy.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESStorageProtect.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESSuEvent.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESTransform.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESUSBKeyboard.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESWndMsg.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VESWndMsgHook.dll
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\VideoColorControl.exe
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\APPMONITOR\AppMonitor.xml
C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Event Service\APPMONITOR\AppMonitorSchema.xsd
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\SSOSrv\SSOSrv.dll
Drivers and Utilities The file listing revised for the new files Sony’s been providing for download at its Windows 7 selection of VAIO Support pages:
- SODOTH-70187337-32.exe (FZ Series)
- SODOTH-70187339-32.exe (SZ Series)
- SOASSL-70189398-US.exe
- SOASUS-70201315-US.exe
- SOAVES-70192615-US.exe
Setting Up Sony VAIO Event Service on Windows 7 x86 / Windows 7 x64 for Brightness (Fn+F5/Fn+F6), Mute/Volume (Fn+F2/Fn+F3/Fn+F4), and Monitor Switching (Fn+F7) Control
28 aprilie 2013
Locuri neobisnuite pentru offline advertising
Până să mă apuc să scriu acest post, mi-am adus aminte că citeam odată undeva pe net de metode mai puțin obișnuite de a face cunoscut un website, DAR..., ATENȚIE!!!... OFFLINE!!!
Înainte de a descrie locurile offline unde să vă promovați site-ul, am să vă atenționez că în timp ce o veți face, puteți primi de la admonestări și înjurături până la bătăi sau amendă. Așa că: "Atenție la neatenție!" Puteți plăti pe cineva să facă aceste lucruri dacă vă e frică de eventualele consecințe sau dacă sunteți comozi! =))
Ca instrumente pentru advertising vă recomand fluturași tipariți, marker permanent sau chiar spray cu vopsea pentru grafitti.
Să încep cu sugerarea locurilor unde puteți face acest lucru:
1. Prima metodă ar scrierea link-ului site-ului tău pe timpul verii, pe geamurile și caroseriile prăfuite masinilor. Nu cred că ar avea nimeni ceva de comentat prea tare pentru acest lucru, dar..., niciodată nu se știe!
2. Scrierea link-ului site-ului tău pe timpul iernii, pe zăpada de pe geamurile mașinilor sau clădirilor.
3. Dacă nu ați terminat încă școala ori sunteți un iubitor al plimbărilor prin parcuri publice, băncile de la școală și cele din parcuri sunt locuri publice foarte vizitate, mai ales în anotimpul călduros, cu ceva trafic constant (LOOL), din care puteți direcționa și către site-ul vostru! Dacă aveți și mai mult tupeu puteți încerca geamurile avizierelor, unde lumea își arunca privirea în mod reflex! (;
4. A patra metodă ar fi scrierea link-ului în toaletele publice (în gări, parcuri, trenuri, instituții).
Dacă mai aveți voi alte idei de asemenea locuri, comentați articolul meu descriind acele locuri sau scriind un articol pe propriul blog și dați-mi și mie de stire!
O zi frumoasă!
Locuri neobisnuite pentru offline advertising
26 martie 2013
Proxy Tools
Proxy Software
My IP Hide: Download HomepageTutorial |
My IP Hide is the client-end software of our encrypted private proxy
service. It can help you to visit the blocked sites (such as facebook,
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Elite Proxy Switcher: Download Homepage Tutorial |
Elite Proxy Switcher is a professional http proxy tester and proxy
switcher. It can check the details of the proxies and automatically
change the proxy of your browsers (Internet Explorer and Mozilla
Firefox). |
Socks Proxy Checker: Download Homepage Tutorial |
Socks Proxy Checker is a professional socks proxy checker and proxy
switcher. It can check the details of the proxies and automatically
change the proxy of your browsers (Internet Explorer and Mozilla
Firefox). |
Forum Proxy Leecher: Download Homepage Tutorial |
Forum Proxy Leecher can scan topics in different types of proxy forums
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SocksCap: Download Tutorial |
Sockscap can makes programs support socks proxy. SocksCap enables the
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end of the application can't know your real IP address. |
Multiproxy: Download Homepage Tutorial |
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Proxy Hunter: Download Tutorial |
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Charon: Download Homepage |
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JAP (JavaAnonProxy): Download Homepage |
JAP uses a single static address which is shared by many JAP users. That
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which user visited which website. Java Runtime Environment is required. |
SocksChain: Download Homepage |
A program that allows to work with any Internet service through a chain of SOCKS or HTTP proxies to hide the real IP-address. |
Proxy Tools
14 februarie 2013
Best online antivirus malware scanners list
Computer virus is a code or program that runs without your consent. Typically, virus are dangerous as it can halt your computer system as well as affecting your memory, important files, and data stored in your machine. In order to combat viruses, malwares, worms, and trojans in your computer, you need to keep you operating system updated, and well as have some firewalls, and install some anti-virus softwares. But sometimes, anti-virus softwares installed in your computer might not be enough, and with this we need to use some “Online Antivirus Scan” and “Online Antivirus Removal“.
There are a lot of free online antivirus scanner available in the Internet, so to help you minimize your effort in searching, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best free online antivirus scan and removal available for you to use. These free online antivirus scanners will help you ease your doubt whether a specific file is infected by virus or not.
Advantage of using free online antivirus scan and removal
Here are some of the advantage in using free online antivirus scan and removal.
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I’ve compiled some of the best free online antivirus scan and removal, that you can use to check if your file is infected.
File scanning with several scanners:
Virustotal (Uploader ) VirusTotal Scanner
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Online Virus Scanner
File scanning:
DrWeb more
Online scanners:
Windowssecurity (Emsisoft)
Quick Heal
Bitdefender QuickScan
Total Defense
FileLab Windows Cleaner
Comodo Valkyrie (Uploader )
NetQin Online Virus Scan
ThreatExpert Online Side-Effect Scanner
Crystal X
Best online antivirus malware scanners list
9 februarie 2013
How to install Microsoft HD Audio UAA on Windows XP SP3
This is the solution that I found... it was strange, but it worked... follow the steps:
Download this software kb888111xp2.exe
Open Regedit and go to:
100 (hex) means its SP1
200 (hex) means its SP2
300 (hex) means its SP3
2. Install kb888111xp2.exe (Microsoft UAA Patch)
3. Change CSDVersion back to 300.
(4. Restart)
How to install Microsoft HD Audio UAA on Windows XP SP3